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  • Shawshank Redemption
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  • In Your Eyes
  • Kick Ass
  • 8 Mile
  • Laggies
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Man Up
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Two Weeks Notice

Thursday 27 September 2018

Stages Of Sleep Deprivation

Or to be accurate, sleep deprivation while studying.
STAGE 1: I got this, I don’t need coffee.
 Or any other stimulants. Who needs those, not me. Girl power, hell yeah!
I totally got this.

STAGE 2: So here’s the thing, it’s calling my name! Dragging  those vowels out. I can’t resist the lure of all that dark roasted... coffee.
 So much for not needing stimulants. Sayonara , normal circadian rhythm.
I’m getting a cup. Or two. Definitely no more. Yeah, that one’s the last. 
Totally the last.

STAGE 3: Is it just me or is the page swaying closer to my eyes? Ouch, it got me in the eye. This won’t work , I need 25 cm or I’ll end up with bifocals in my 20s. Why, oh, why am I more focused on keeping the book at the right distance than cramming for next week?

The caffeine wore off. I need another cup, or do I push through? Hmm. Hell no. Next cup coming up. Wait, what was I supposed to be doing again? Shit. I hate myself, I’m totally going to bomb this one.

STAGE 4.5:  Has anyone thought of recording this and marketing it as a cure for insomnia. It would totally work.I could do it. It’s put the masses off to sleep. I’m sure countless other students would send testimonials. I’d make millions , feature on TiME and retire by the beach , sipping coladas everyday. Screw my degree. But then my liver would give out and the millions too. And I’d have to go back to school in my old age to earn my livelihood. So much for that.

Hmm, look at that, my fingers are ... twitching, oddly. Wait I don’t think eyelids are supposed to do that. Uh oh, GI crisis. That was too many cups of coffee. How am I supposed to finish this chapter, at this rate? Change of plans. I’ll just do half and not revise the other one. Ok, I got this. I can handle it.

Thank God all that caffeine wore off! I’m functional now! I can finish up with in a few hours. Hours. Intervals of 60 minutes. How many seconds is that? Too many. Focusing. Eyes on the goal. Clear eyes ,full heart, can’t lose. Hells yeah. Ok that’s enough inspiration. Moving on.

45 minutes later.
So much for all that.I’m going to bed. This isn’t working.My brains done for the day.
Tomorrow’s a new day.